Training and development
How do we organize training and development at Autogrill?
At Autogrill, we invest in the development of our people because we consider them key drivers for customer satisfaction and for our business.
Our training activities in Italy
At the start of 2020, our training programme in Italy was based on a mix of classroom learning and a catalogue of online courses.
With the advent of the healthcare emergency, our courses became entirely online, and results have been impressive.
The world of MyAcademy
MyAcademy is an e-learning platform enabling our people to develop every day using continually updated content. It’s smart, user-friendly and like an encyclopaedia of “Made in Autogrill” know-how: from obligatory courses to those for augmenting soft skills.
We also organize training and development programmes on the basis of our people’s particular needs and experience. The courses involve everyone and are designed to improve technical abilities, soft skills, customer management and team work.
Excellence Academy
We produce development paths both for people already working at Autogrill and those we recruit from outside. We have also created a “school of excellence”, a veritable academy where all POS managers keen to grow can embark on a multichannel course with on-the-job training and online modules.