Skip the queue with Click&Good

Click Good


Order from your phone, in comfort, and collect your products as soon as you get to the location’s pick-up point, without queuing.

The service is available in over 180 locations and active every day from 07:00 to 19:00


It’s Simple!


1. Access Click&Good

You can choose from three ways to do this:

  • Access the My Autogrill app


MyAutogrill Logo

  • Use the Telepass app – in the “Food&Drink” section


2. Place your order and pick it up!

IconaBollo ScegliLocale ClickAndGood

Choose your location.

IconaBollo Ordina ClickAndGood

Place your order and pay: you’ll receive a confirmation e-mail.

IconaBollo Aspetta ClickAndGood

Wait till the order is ready: you’ll receive an “order ready” e-mail.

IconaBollo Ritira ClickAndGood

Collect your order from the pick-up point, which is easy to find by following the signs.

3. Enjoy your break

  • Savour your products on the premises or wherever you prefer.

Find the Click & Good location closest to you


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